Diet Do's and Don'ts..
Animals need proper nutrition same as people what they put into their body effects overall health so make sure to give them a proper diet low in fat.
There are many things to think about when researching pet food is it popular is it safe does it meet all daily requirements and will it help with whatever they need to live full active lives.
Puppies and kittens need pet food that works to their growth.Adult cats need food that maintains a healthy lifestyle while older cats may need foo that helps with balance or issues they may have over time. You can buy food almost anywhere now a days so make sure it the right quality.
How to deal with a fussy eater. Lets face it some animals will only eat certain things one might like one brand of food while ignoring all else while others only like wet and turn their nose at dry it really depends what I like to do is explore each brand buy a can or smaller can and see of they will eat it if they do buy larger amounts that way you are not spending a large amount pf cash on something they will turn their nose up at and walk away from.
There is never a sure bet with food some things work better then others but its not that difficult to figure out the best and work from there all animals after all do like to eat lol